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BARUN ACADEMIC CENTER's IQ CLINICTM (NNAT Prep) is designed to familiarize and to teach strategies and problem sets for the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test®.
The NNAT is based on progressive matrices that require no verbal or written answers. Students are asked to see the patterns formed by shapes organized into designs. The student must rely on reasoning and problem-solving skills. The types of items are Pattern Completion, Reasoning by Analogy, Serial Reasoning, and Spatial Visualization.
Pattern Completion items require a student to look at a design in a large rectangle with a portion missing and determine which of the choices correctly completes the pattern.
Reasoning by Analogy items are created so that a student has to recognize a logical relationship between several geometric shapes.
Serial Reasoning items are constructed using a series of shapes that change across the row horizontally and the columns vertically throughout the design. These items demand that the student recognize the sequence of shapes and figure out that the sequence appears on the lower rows with a different starting point.
Spatial Visualization requires the student to recognize how two or more designs would look if combined. Spatial Visualization items are among the most difficult, especially when involving shapes that intersect in ways that are difficult to recognize or involve rotation.
simulated, timed practice NNAT
test taking strategies
The schedule for the IQ ClinicTM (NNAT Prep)
will be released October 2025.